Thursday, September 20, 2012

Some people…

I was browsing Pissed Customer the other day and came across a review yanking at how much GEICO sucks. I don't have a lot of experience with GEICO, so I can't vouch for the credibility of that article, but there's this comment that pulled my finger.

So this medea0888 claims they had insurance with GEICO, switched cars, called in to have the policy switched on to the new car, then pow, when they wanted to make the claim, the insurer said they don't have the truck in their records. Am I the only one who smells something fishy here?
  • An insurance policy is considered to be in place when you get the physical insurance card, or print out the one you get from the insurer's website. (GEICO provides you with some provisional card by the time they mail you the real one, if I'm not mistaken). They had no physical proof of insurance two months after the call, and saw nothing wrong about it. Boo-ya!
  • Given that the new car wasn't insured, they have been technically driving without insurance. Since there wasn't an accident involved (there's not much information in the post about how she wrecked the truck), the police probably hasn't looked deeply into it though. But again, driving without insurance is a criminal offense in Arkansas (assuming that's where they're from). Another boo-ya!
  • When it's obvious that you didn't have any physical proof of insurance and were most likely uninsured too because of your ignorance, how do you go online and make a rant at an insurance company that simply did their job?
Driving is a privilege, not a right. Some people take so many things for granted and even more of them shouldn't be allowed on public roads. Next time, such an ignorant fool will crash into someone else's car and demand that the insurance company pays out on an inexistent or expired policy. 

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